If you cant change it, you better learn to LET IT GO
This year I learned that it is impossible to change somethings and if it is impossible; then letting go is the only way to allow yourself to move on. Holding on to unnecessary negative energy will only bring you down. Therefore in 2013, I hope to let go of more, forgive quickly, and to always remember that situations/people/conflicts can only bring you down, if you allow them too.
Always Give More Than You Take
With the craziness of life and work, the days and weeks seem to fly by. In 2013, I want to make more time to give back. Give back to my family and friends and community. I want to work on one service project a month, maybe even become a tutor or mentor. Something I have always wanted to do, and I truly feel that the only way to give thanks for all that I have, is to give back to others. Good things come, to those who help others.
Intellectual Stimulation
This year is going to bring major changes my way, I need to further my education and whether that be by going back to school for my master or finally applying to law school. I need to make it happen, my desire to learn hasn't faded. I miss school, and need to be intellectually challenged, so that I can grow into a better me.
Happiness is the little things- Its funny to me that often times in life, its the little things that seem to make us the happiest. So this year, I vow to do more everyday little things that bring me happiness. Why not? Why wait? I need more day trips, and more travel, more movie days, more massages, more Mani's and Pedi's. Work will be there when I return, and life will be there when I return. However, I'm learning that having a refreshed sense of energy and happiness is priceless.
Cheers to 2012, and making it count in 2013 <3